Wednesday, May 1, 2024

New Car Deals Ireland Update Schedule

It is important to keep the deals up to date on New Car Deals Ireland. With that in mind, I plan the following schedule to maintain the relevancy of the deals on the site. I intend to:

  1. Check the deals from the popular brands with a future expiry deal at least once a month, regardless of deal expiry date. This will catch any changes with current offers.
  2. Check the deals from the popular brands with no expiry date at least once every three weeks. This will depend on the type of deal, as it may be obvious that the deal is a long term one.
  3. Check the newly expired deals in the week after expiry. It can take a few days (or much longer!) for some car brands to update their website.
  4. Regularly spot check deals in addition to above.

This schedule may be adjusted in the future as needed to optimise relevancy. In an ideal world, the car brands would let me know when their deals change. I have asked them all, but that is unlikely to happen anytime soon. So, until that happy day comes, I will have to use the schedule outlined above.